Setup DHCP Server on Linux
How to configure dhcp server in Linux DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, allows an administrator to configure network settings for all clients on a central server. The DHCP clients request an IP address and other network settings from the DHCP server on the network. The DHCP server in turn leases the client an IP address within a given range or leases the client an IP address based on the MAC address of the client's network interface card (NIC). The information includes its IP address, along with the network's name server, gateway, and proxy addresses,including the netmask. Nothing has to be configured manually on the local system, except to specify the DHCP server it should get its network configuration from. If an IP address is assigned according to the MAC address of the client's NIC, the same IP address can be leased to the client every time the client requests one. DHCP makes network administration easier an...