Remote Desktop Sharing Dconf Tool in Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)

To install software that allow to remote access your computer desktop of ubuntu 14.04 !!dconf-tools!!
Step 1
#sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Step 2
Search dconf and in deconf box popup
Chose below steps !!

uncheck all and again check on enable and close..

Step 3
goto terminal and type below command
#sudo vino-pereference
and set you allow sharing and your security..

To remove the dconf-tools following command is used:
#sudo apt-get remove  dconf-tools

Following command is used to remove the dconf-tools package along with its dependencies:
#sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove dconf-tools
#sudo apt-get purge dconf-tools
#sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove dconf-tools

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