Install Node,Angular2 and Sublime 3


Install Node and Angular-cli and @Angular/cli
Globally- npm install -g @angular/cli
Locally -npm install -save --dev @angular/cli

Globally -npm install -g angular-cli
 Locally- npm install -save --dev angular-cli

Requirement Node

  • Install angular-cli globally: npm install -g angular-cli
  • Install angular-cli in your project: npm install --save-dev angular-cli
Upgrade to the latest CLI globally:

npm uninstall -g angular-cli
npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean 
npm install -g angular-cli@latest

This should get a working version.
If you tried this and it does not work, please submit your package.json as that will probably contain something that gets in the way from this working correctly.
For reference, this is what the dependencies of an app installed with angular-cli@1.0.0-beta.31 looks like:

Install Sublime3

Sublime 3Tarball
Sublime 64 Bits for Windows
Sublime 32 Bits for Windows

Download it and cd directories to your downloads folder and untar it.
tar vxjf sublime_text_3_build_3126_x64.tar.bz2
Then you could just move and replace your old installation e.g. sudo mv sublime_text_3 /opt/sublime_text. That's it.
Using Commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
sudo apt-get install sublime-text

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